Kirafa’s Revolt

Let’s Get This Party Started!


Okay, let’s get the party started.  I have joined HireHeels, JustSayNoDeal, PumaPac, Puma Facebook and I have blogged til my fingers are sore.  The problem is we are still being portrayed as tired, old, angry women. 


I am not angry, I am resolved.  I am not old, I am 50.  I am not tired, I am puma-roaring and ready to fight this battle.


Can we send out mass mailings all on one day designed to deluge the DNC and the SD’s?  Can we chose a day to call and make our voices heard?  Can we email the MSM until all they have are PUMA emails?  Can we meet at our state’s Democratic Headquarters on a chosen date?


I am a fixture at the Confluence, Riverdaughter’s writings are beautiful and it is the birthplace of PUMA (Party Unity My Ass).  Garychapelhill and Mawninnc post there and have taken their time, money and effort to attend the DNC/RBC meeting in DC and are now at the Unity Rally in Untiy, New Hampshire.  I am so proud to say that I know them, if only in the blogosphere, but they are only two, who are outraged enough to do something to make a change.


So, are we outraged enough, if so, why aren’t we doing something? 


Let’s Go Pumas!

Puma\'s Roar

Hillbillies, Bigots and Women, Oh My!
June 11, 2008, 1:48 pm
Filed under: Hillary Clinton | Tags: , , , ,

Yes, I am an angry, old middle-aged white woman and yes, I voted for Hillary Clinton.  But, I am much more than that, or at least I thought I was, until ’00 and ’04, when the Republicans stole the election and put us in this mess we have now found ourselves in.

Up until then, I considered that as a registered voter, that I mattered.  I also thought that things were going to change (I now hate that word) be different, because we were going to show the Rethuglicans how pissed off we were. 

We were tired of paying for a war with the wrong country, were tired of soaring gas prices, tired of tax relief only for the extreme wealthy, we were just plain damn tired. 

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel and her name was Hillary Clinton.  Who better to get us out of this mess and put this country we all love back to its former greatness?

Well, now we know, that was not the plan.  No, No, No!  We need change (there’s that word again)!!! And here was this guy, who gave a speech, back when the election was stoled in ’04.  I mean, he gave a speech, that should show us he is the ONE!  It was a great speech, now shut up and vote for him.  Shouldn’t the fact that he can memorize some words and say them meaningfully mean something?  Now ladies, get with the program, listen to him give a speech and you will see, that he is the ONE.  The powers that be have decided.  The DNC has made their choice and we are to fall in line with their decision. 

If we don’t want to fall in line with their choice, we will be labeled petulant, angry females, or maybe they will call us blue collar workers, or hillbillies, or racists.

Well the fix is in, we saw it at all unfold at the RBC meeting and we have been blogging away.  We are telling everyone that we are not going to stand for it.  We are angry and we will vote for McCain.  I suppose we will be called McCain Democrats, just like the former Reagan Democrats.

But is that okay?  Is it okay to slap a label on us and put their candidate in?  Are we just going to sit at our desks in front of a glowing screen and yell “yeah, that’s right”, when someone says something smart that maybe we were also thinking? 

Now I know, that this is exactly what I am doing right now.  Sitting in front of a screen typing, but I am challenging everyone who sits in front of these screens to come up with a plan that makes us a real thorn in their sides.  A march to Denver, maybe, but that is in August and we need their attention now.  A letter writing campaign to each and every democrat holding office plainly stating, your job is at stake, maybe, sounds good.  You start telling those Congressmen that they will be collecting unemployment and maybe they will listen.  I am sure “Nancy gurl” will listen if she thinks she may lose the Speaker seat, just think, nobody will see her smile anymore.

So, I guess my challenge is, are we going to be Hillbillies, Bigots and women, or are we going to be activists, who saw something terribly wrong and made it right?