Kirafa’s Revolt

Stop!! I want off! 
March 23, 2015, 8:11 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


 Lately, it seems that nothing seems real and nothing makes sense.  Every time I  go online, another person has been unnecessarily killed or beaten by a police officer. Or that our GOP controlled congress is holding a sex-trafficking bill hostage over Hyde language that they had hidden in the bill. Or 47 senators going against their own president in nuclear talks, that include our allies, with a very unstable country. 

All of this seems too dramatic, too fictionalized, just too unreal to be real. But it is. It’s real and it’s happening. 

I remember my ex husband renting a video called “Faces of Death.” It was very disturbing and graphic. I couldn’t watch it, it made me sick to my stomach to see such graphic images. Now it seems I have watched four, maybe five people shot and killed. These were real people and they died. Real video of unarmed people dying on the internet and they were dying at the hands of those who vow to serve and protect us.  I saw a 17 year old mentally ill young lady shot inside a police station. And that is correct, she was inside the actual police station and all those police officers couldn’t figure out a way to subdue one young woman. Then there was the 12 year old boy shot in a public park playing with a toy gun. He was shot within two seconds of the police arriving on the scene. There was another video of yet another mentally Ill young man who was throwing rocks at police officers. It seems the more I think of these instances, the more I remember. There are six instances of videos of police officers shooting and killing people that could have been pepper sprayed, tasered or shot with the non-lethal bean bag rounds that some officers are issued. You would think that people would be rallying in the streets. But, they aren’t, only a few seem to really care. 

Then you have the sex trafficking bill. There’s are good one! Who in their right mind would not want to pass a bill against sex trafficking? Right? Right? Wrong. Seems the bill was all ready and jumping to be passed, until it was discovered that Hyde language had been inserted into the bill. For anyone who may be unfamiliar, the Hyde amendment bars federal funds from being used for abortions except in the case if rape or incest. Why would anyone in their right mind hold this bill hostage over Hyde language. But our old big daddy buddy Mitch McConnell is actually promising to withhold confirmation of the first African American female attorney general unless the Hyde language is left in the bill. 

Then there are the 47 GOP senators who wrote a letter to Iran, in complete violation of the Logan Act, attempting to nullify the talks and efforts of the United States, Brittain, Russia, China, France and Germany (P5+1) to halt Iran’s nuclear program. The letter contained many errors by the very people elected to protect our rights. The letter states that the senate must ratify by a two-thirds vote. However, the Senate does not ratify treaties, which this would be between Iran and the P5+1.  It is the President that ultimately ratifies treaties. The constitutional mistakes made by the 47 Senators were corrected in a response from a high ranking Irani official. Now how freaking embarrassing is that? I posted a picture of these 47 Traitors/Senators on my Facebook page which drew more comments than any thing I have ever posted. I think the post ended up having almost two hundred comments. 

Add to all of the above, that Ted Cruz, yes crazy ass Ted Cruz, announced his bid for the presidency.  Aaron Schock, the unclad poster boy for the GOP has finally resigned and is being investigated for his taxpayer funded parties. People should be screaming, taking it to the streets, but they don’t care anymore. If it’s Obama related or something having to do with a democrat or a liberal, well every body knows they’re fucking crazy anyway. 


 Soooooooo, the headline “Stop! I want off!! Is there anyone else out there who would like to leave? Maybe move to Panama, Ecuador, Belize or Costa Rica? We have an election cycle coming and I REALLY REALLY want Hillary to run. But if it’s this crazy now, it’s only going to get crazier and 2008?had me bleeding politics. I just don’t know if I can go through another cycle of Whitewater, Monica, blue dress and now OMG, we have emails and BENGHAZI!! 

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